Monday, December 8, 2014

15 grudnia, 2014. Warsztaty poetyckie. Chicago. Adam Lizakowski

The Polish Arts and Poetry Association in Chicago

                                          Poetry Workshop (53)
Warsztaty Poetyckie

Koniec semestru zima 2014. Omówienie materiału, powtórne przeczytanie niektórych wierszy omawianych i analizowanych w tym semestrze, wiersze Z. Herberta, T. Różewicza, J. Tuwima, A Zagajewskiego, W. Okonia, K.I. Gałczyńskiego, i innych.
Dyskusja nad esejem Percy Bysshe Shelley pt. ‘A Defence of Poetry” z roku 1820. (Fragment).

Poetry, in a general sense, may be defined to be “the expression of the imagination”: and
poetry is connate with the origin of man. Man is an instrument over which a series of external and internal impressions are driven, like the alternations of an ever-changing wind over an Æolian lyre, which move it by their motion to ever-changing melody. But there is a principle within the human being, and perhaps within all sentient beings, which acts otherwise than in the lyre, and produces not melody alone, but harmony, by an internal adjustment of the sounds or motions thus excited to the impressions which excite them. It is as if the lyre could accommodate its chords to the motions of that which strikes them, in a determined proportion of sound; even as the musician can accommodate his voice to the sound of the lyre. A child at play by itself will express its delight by its voice and motions; and every inflexion of tone and every gesture will bear exact relation to a corresponding antitype in the pleasurable impressions which awakened it; it will be the reflected image of that impression; and as the lyre trembles and sounds after the wind has died away, so the child seeks, by prolonging in its voice and motions the duration of the effect, to prolong also a consciousness of the cause.

Unikalne trzy godzinne warsztaty prowadzone przez  mgr Adama Lizakowskiego.         
Medialnym sponsorem warsztatów  jest  program  radiowy  Sylwestra Skóry „O Nas dla Nas” nadawany  od poniedziałku do piątku  w godzinach  3pm - 4pm ze stacji radiowej WPNA 1490 AM. Najstarsza (106 lat)  polska gazeta codzienna“Dziennik Związkowy”,   internetowy „Polish News”  Krystyny Teller oraz tygodnik  “Super Express”.     

Jezuicki Ośrodek Milenijny –  5835 W. Irving Park Rd., Chicago, IL
Poniedziałek 15 grudnia, 2014 r.  godz. 6.30 PM

po więcej informacji dzwoń  773 804 8135